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2025 Greater Houston Race Series Dates

GHRS will be a 14-race season, 7 at Speedsportz and 7 at GCKI. This will be made up of a Spring and Fall Championship, with the best 5 out of 7 races per season counting for points. To be eligible for a season championship you must compete in at least 2 events at each track per Spring or Fall Season. (Double header counts as one race event for drops and/or participation purposes) 

In addition to the Spring and Fall Series winners, the 2025 GHRS overall Championship will be the combined Spring and Fall Series best 5 of 7 race points. A minimum of 4 races per venue is required to qualify for the 2025 overall championship.


Race #1 1/26 GCKI

Race #2 2/16 SRP

Race #3 3/9 GCKI

Race #4 4/13 SRP

Race #5 5/17 & #6 5/18 GCKI Double Header

Race #7 6/14 SRP


Race #1 7/13 GCKI

Race #2 8/9 SRP

Race #3 9/7 GCKI

Race #4 10/11 & #5 10/12 SRP Double Header

Race #6 11/9 GCKI

Race #7 12/14 SRP

  • Members of either SRP or GCKI pay $75 race entry fee, which includes ONLY the racers wrist band. All others buy wrist band at the gate. 
  • The non-member entry fee at both tracks is $125. 
  • Members may practice for free the day before a race at both tracks, Non-members pay the track defined practice day fee. 

Race Format:

The race format shall be controlled practice, followed by Qualifying session, Pre-final and Main Event.  Number of laps is subject to track layout and announced at the Drivers Meeting. 

In the event a class has less than 4 entries, race day trophies will be awarded for one less than the number of entries. Each class MUST have a minimum of 5 entries for that race to count towards season points. 

Classes may be combined on track at the discretion of the race director, depending on the number of entries. 

Specs & Race Classes:

4-stroke classes will have the option of running Bucee’s or Speedsportz Ethanol Free 87 Octane Ethanol Free Fuel. 

2-Stroke classes will have the option to run MS98 or C12 with Motul 2T or Elf Oil.

All Classes shall run Evinco Blue tires, except TAG and Shifter which run Evinco Red.

Rain Tires: All Classes shall run Evinco/MG SW or SW2. 

Kid Kart Briggs     5 thru 8              Kid Kart Chassis 200lbs. 

                             Cadet Chassis 215lbs. *See New Specs Below

Kid Kart Honda   5 thru 8              150lbs

Micro Swift         7 thru 10             220lb

Mini Swift            9 thru 12             245lb

100cc Junior       12 thru 15           320lb

100cc Senior       15+                    360lb

100cc Master     30+                      390lb

LO206 Cadet      7 thru 13             245lb

LO206 Junior      12 thru 15           320lb

LO206 Senior     15+                      360lb

LO206 Master    30+                      390lb

Sr. Shifter             15+                     385lbs

Master Shifter    30+                        405lbs

TAG Junior           12 thru 15           320lbs

TAG 125 Sr.         15+                      360lbs

TAG 125 Master 30+                       385lbs

*Classes may be added/dropped, or weights modified if needed to enable fair and competitive racing. 

*206 Kid Kart SUPPLEMENTARY CLASS INFORMATION Effective 1/17/2025

ENGINE: LO206 Senior Engine with 4100 rev limiter. Carb Lock Required. Black Junior Slide (Part#555732) .310 slide 

RLV #5507 Pipe CLUTCH: MaxTorque Part#555727 only 

GEAR:17/57 Gear Ratio, #35 chain 

TIRES: EVINCO SKH2 Blue 10X4.60-5 front, 10X4.60-5 rear; Max Rear tire circumference is thirty three & three quarter (33.75) inches. / Rain – MG SW2  

Per Briggs Kid Kart Chassis Dimensions: Wheel Base: 29-31.5 inch Overall Max Track Width: Front, maximum 40" as measured to outside of rim/tire (no minimum). Rear, minimum 39", maximum 42" as measured to outside of rim/tire. Height: 20 inch max at any point 

Cadet Chassis Dimensions: Any drivers using a Cadet chassis will be required to reference current SKUSA rulebook section 300 Race Vehicle Standards for chassis dimensions, guidelines, and standards.

Championship Points

View GHRS Points

Greater Houston Race Series Registration

Greater Houston Race Series Registration

Entry Fees:

  • Members: $75
  • Non-Members: $125

GHRS Race Weekend Fees: Collected at the Gate


  • Driver Weekend Wristband: $10
  • Non-Driver Weekend Wristband: $20
  • Practice Fee (Non-Member): $75 GCKI - $100 SRP


  • Non-Driver Wristband: $10

Important Dates:

  • Online Registration: Closes at midnight the night before the race.

We look forward to seeing you at the races! 🏁

To register for our next race, click the Event Registration button below!

GHRS Registration

Day Races

7:30am - Gate Opens

8:00am: Track Opens & Registration Opens in Kart Shop

9:00am: Controlled Practice Begins - Two Rounds - 10 minutes

11:00am: Mandatory Drivers Meeting Following Practice - Parent & Child Required for Kid Kart & Cadet

Night Races

12:30pm: Gate Opens

2:30pm: Track Opens & Registration Opens in Kart Shop

3:30pm: Controlled Practice Begins - Two Rounds - 10 minutes

5:30pm: Mandatory Drivers Meeting - Parent & Child Required for Kid Kart & Cadet

Classes will cycle through in order determined by the Race Director - Lunch/Dinner Breaks will be announced in the Drivers Meeting.

Race Classes

IAME Class Rules

All IAME Classes will run SKUSA Rules

SKUSA Rule Book


All Briggs & Stratton Classes will run Briggs Rules

Briggs Rule Book

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